I am here to let everyone here know, Tracy is a Godsend. I am so very thankful she was put in my path, and it could not have been any better timing. With Tracy’s abilities to connect me with my father, I was finally able to let go of years of heartache and sorrow and debilitating despair. I walked into a group scenario, kind of skeptical and not looking for anything, and enjoying my surroundings. I was truly surprised my father came through so strongly. I gave her absolutely NO direction and there is no way she could have known the things she was telling me. I have chills again typing this out. Suffice to state, with Tracy’s guidance, my father gave me what I could not give myself. He gave me permission. Permission to stop fighting; permission to let go of the anger; permission to actually feel sorry for the evil one; permission to breathe and most importantly, permission to live a life without guilt and despair. I could go on but I think my readers understand.
Thank you Tracy, for everything…….