lemonade stand

Tracy St. Croi- Issue 2

Published on Jun 9, 2020

Lemonade Legend Magazine is a spin off of the bestselling book The Lemonade Stand. Full of lemons to lemonade stories from inspiring and courageous female leaders. This magazine is a platform for women to be heard, to share their stories, and to celebrate success. Join the movement of real, raw, and vulnerable stories. Real is the new perfect!

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Group Sessions

By happen chance I got to sit in one of this young lady’s monthly group sessions in Austin and am now a believer, which is not an easy accomplishment.

My mom who I miss terribly talked with me thru Tracy. These were things only my mom would’ve known and the door of healing has been opened to long past hurts.

Tracy has a true gift and I highly recommend her! She is a rising star and I see great things in the future for her!

Tim V Enloe

Glad i found her

After struggling with the loss of my dad unexpectedly I reached out to Tracy after my aunt recommended her. My aunt was at a reading and my dad came through to her, I figured I would give it a try and I’m so glad I did. There were things Tracy told me that a stranger wouldn’t possibly know about the details of my dad’s passing and the things going on in my life. It doesn’t heal the empty spot in my life but it definitely helped hearing things only my dad would be telling me. Thank you again Tracy and I’ll definitely be in touch again and recommending you to others!

Stephanie Lauren

So Thankful Tracy Was put in my path

I am here to let everyone here know, Tracy is a Godsend. I am so very thankful she was put in my path, and it could not have been any better timing. With Tracy’s abilities to connect me with my father, I was finally able to let go of years of heartache and sorrow and debilitating despair. I walked into a group scenario, kind of skeptical and not looking for anything, and enjoying my surroundings. I was truly surprised my father came through so strongly. I gave her absolutely NO direction and there is no way she could have known the things she was telling me. I have chills again typing this out. Suffice to state, with Tracy’s guidance, my father gave me what I could not give myself. He gave me permission. Permission to stop fighting; permission to let go of the anger; permission to actually feel sorry for the evil one; permission to breathe and most importantly, permission to live a life without guilt and despair. I could go on but I think my readers understand.

Thank you Tracy, for everything…….

Susan C

I had an incredible encounter with Tracy today

I had an incredible encounter with Tracy today. I was doing my usual trying not to make eye contact with anyone, least someone see that I am a wreck. She zoomed right in on me and without expecting anything from it, began to help calm me and help me work through what it was that had me so terrified and overwhelmed. I decided to do a short session with her, and what a treat. I will definitely be seeing her again. I had such a positive experience, it was such a blessing. I can’t wait until I can sit with her again. Thanks a million Tracy

Tresa Moss-Compton

Change your life

Tracy is a gift to humanity. She has such a beautiful, helpful spirit. If you are looking to get guidance and healing she can change your life.

Emily Harp Zylberfuden

It was Phenomenal!

Had a wonderful session today with Tracy, it was phenomenal! I got incite on my business and I had a very dear friend appear in our session that brought me to tears! Thank you so much! I will see you again on the next visit
Today was a phenomenal day! This past weekend I attended The Healing Arts Festival and Market that my mentor sponsors twice a month. This weekend was a very enlightening visit. As I consulted with my mentor she advised that s visit with Tracy St. Croi would be a blessing for me and a eye opening session. As I had my session with Tracy she advised me of things to come with my business, personal life, and visions of future plans I have been setting forth for expansion and 2 more Locations. She advised me of other abilities I have and how to channel them.
As this week has passed everything she shared with me has visualized! I made a new contact with a customer that we will be starting our segment on radio (free of cost) and he also got me link with a ladies group of other business owners that help with lifting other like minded individuals! I felt so blessed! Like I was walking on a cloud! I took all her visions and have run full speed ahead! Changing the dynamics of the office! New pricing and more spa amenities that co-inside with our specialties!
Thank you Tracy! Everything has been 100% on point! Including the chocolate! ..lol
If anyone has the chance to visit with her, she’s a blessing! See you soon Tracy!

Rebecca Ramirez Ortega

She Blew me away

I was also interested in mediums, but just wasn’t sure I wanted to pay for something that ended up not being legit. Tracy was sweet with my stoic attitude and blew me away when she was able to connect to my grandmother and say my children’s names.

Mia Winnicki

Over the Top

Had a reading that was just over the top!! A wealth of insights and in depth detail was given to me,
Thanks so much Tracy.

Kim D. Linney

First experience

First time I have had a read by somebody and I would like to say that my first experience was very promising. I felt like I could take what Tracy told me and run with it. Thank you for being put into my path.

Emily Mclamb-Franco

So Thankful Tracy Was put in my path

I am here to let everyone here know, Tracy is a Godsend. I am so very thankful she was put in my path, and it could not have been any better timing. With Tracy’s abilities to connect me with my father, I was finally able to let go of years of heartache and sorrow and debilitating despair. I walked into a group scenario, kind of skeptical and not looking for anything, and enjoying my surroundings. I was truly surprised my father came through so strongly. I gave her absolutely NO direction and there is no way she could have known the things she was telling me. I have chills again typing this out. Suffice to state, with Tracy’s guidance, my father gave me what I could not give myself. He gave me permission. Permission to stop fighting; permission to let go of the anger; permission to actually feel sorry for the evil one; permission to breathe and most importantly, permission to live a life without guilt and despair. I could go on but I think my readers understand.

Thank you Tracy, for everything…….

Susan C

Best Reading Ever

Hands down…best reading I’ve ever received! She was so informative. Overall an amazing experience. Can’t wait to schedule another session.

Skye Nicole

I am so blessed that

I am so blessed that Tracy and I paths crossed. She is a jewel and God has blessed me beyond what I could put all into words. I was struggling with my mother’s passing and she help me bring some much needed closure. My mother and I were and still are extremely close and having to move forward here on this earth is very painful but now I feel her spirit and know now she is with me everywhere every day. Thank you Tracy! I will be going back soon for another session. You were so connected to my mother that passed this April and a surprise visit from my father whom passed in 2006.

R. Downey

Wonderful to reconnect with my mom

Every year, for the last several years, I have reconnected with my mother through mediumship readings given by evidential and psychic mediums. I recently moved to the area and went to Tracy’s outstanding group demonstration at the Healing Arts Festival in San Antonio. I signed up for a personal reading and she did not disappoint! She brought forth several accurate pieces of information confirming that she had indeed connected with my mother. My heart filled with love and joy to know that my mother continues to watch over me. I am so blessed! Thank you Tracy!

Cynthia Turgeon

Skeptic No More

I’m a big skeptic when it comes to things I can’t see. Tracy and I are meeting on a whole different topic when she asks me, “who’s your uncle with the black fedora? I can’t breath and my heart is thumping.” I had an uncle who passed away who wore a fedora and he died due to lung cancer. Incredible!!! I believe…now.

Ruth Marquez